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Keep Your Grass Looking Great with These 5 Simple Lawn Care Tips
Nothing showcases your home better than a healthy and luscious lawn. Keeping your lawn in its best condition can be a hassle, but with the right lawn care practices you can ensure that you have the best looking lawn around. Consider the following lawn care tips to turn your lawn around in record time:
1. Know when to fertilize
Both over fertilization and under fertilization can be very bad for your lawn. Understanding the proper fertilization methods for your lawn can be the most important step toward the yard you’ve been longing for. The best time to fertilize your lawn is dependant on the regional conditions, but most lawns need the nutrients that fertilization offers during the fall. If your lawn is showing signs of low-nutrients (brown or dry spots, crumbly soil) you may need to apply a fertilization treatment or compost tea.
2. Remember regular lawn maintenance
Mowing, de-weeding and irrigation are all very important parts of a healthy lawn. Falling behind on any one of these chores could lead to some pretty serious negative side-effects in your yard. The best way to keep yourself from forgetting these tasks is to simplify them:
- Invest in an automatic irrigation system to eliminate the need for manual watering. One challenge to keep in mind with a sprinkler system is that you need to track rainfall amounts to prevent over-watering. Today this is easier than ever thanks to rain-tracking websites and mobile apps. If the total rainfall is less than the amount you of water that you would normally add to your lawn, subtract that amount from the daily total that your sprinkler will produce.
- Apply pre-emergent weed killers and you can forget about removing weeds by hand. When applied correctly and at the ideal time these herbicides prevent weeds from ever standing a chance in your lawn.
- Make a mowing schedule and set reminders for the day before it is time to mow again. If weather or scheduling conflicts prevent you from mowing on the day you had planned, do your best to reschedule within the next 48 hours.
3. Know your grass
It is very important that you know what type of grass is planted in your lawn, otherwise it can be impossible to know the specific care instructions. Some of the most common types of grass planted in American yards include zoysia, centipede, fescue, St. Agustine and Buffalo grass. If you’re unsure of the type that’s found in your yard take a look at some of the most common types of grass found in American lawns. Once you’ve figured out the type of seed that was planted in your lawn you can find out ideal watering amounts, direct sunlight requirements and preferring mowing heights.
4. Remove pests
Pests can lead to all sorts of problems in your lawn. There are many types of pest control products that are available in stores, but if you don’t know the specific pest problem that you’re facing it can be tricky to pick the right one. Consider scheduling a consultation with a pest control provider, or a lawn care provider that also specializes in pest identification and removal.
If you’re looking to take a strictly DIY approach you could reserach some of the most common lawn pests in your area and the best way to fight them. Be sure to look into the seasons in which these pests are most active in your area to further narrow your search.
5. Be aware of seasonal challenges
The ideal conditions for your lawn are greatly dependant on seasonal factors in your area. It is very important that you familiarize yourself with the seasonal conditions in your region and adjust your lawn care regimen based on this. These factors include rainfall patterns, average high and low temperatures and regional pest threats. Speaking with a lawn and garden expert at your local home improvement store can be a good way to find out about the common seasonal challenges in your state.
TruGreen will gladly visit your property as often as needed between scheduled visits to make any necessary adjustments and to ensure your satisfaction.
Getting Started with TruGreen
- Call or fill out the form above to reach a lawn care specialist.
- Know the square footage of your yard, as well as any specific areas of concern.
- With the help of your specialist, create a customized lawn care plan that meets your lawn’s needs.
- Schedule your Healthy Lawn Analysis2 to start your service.